Psychologists, Counselors, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Advocates, Management Professionals, Psychiatrists, Career Counselors, Communication and Language skill experts.
About George Mathew Vadayattu
Educational Qualifications
B. Sc. Psychology from Madras University.
Master of Arts (MA) in Marriage & Family Studies with Family Psychology & MFT from Lateran University, Rome.
Master of Philosophy (M. Phil) in Counseling Psychology from MLCU, Shillong, Thripura.
Ph. D. (Clinical Counseling & Psychotherapy) Candidate at AGST/CHED, Quezon City, Philippines (From January 2017)
Professional Training and Experience
One month training as a counselor at TRADA, Kottayam, Kerala State, India.
One month training and experience as a psychiatric social worker at Sanjeevani, Kottayam, Kerala State, India.
Certificate in Family Therapy from TRADA, 2006.
Certificate in Experiential Therapy from TRADA, 2007.
Certificate in NLP Practitioner Level and Hypnotherapy from TRADA, 2007.
Sixteen years experience as Marriage and Family Therapist.
Sixteen years experience as a Lecturer in the department of Counselling and Psychology.
Thirteen years experience as a Counseling Psychologist.
Six years experience as a Clinical Counselor and Psychotherapist.
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